Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Play date at the Park!

Tucker was invited to go on a play date by his buddy, Hudson, from preschool. We took the boys to Cameron Brown Park and we all had a blast! It was great weather and the boys had such a good time running and playing on the playground. We were all worn out after playing in the park for 3 hours. Even Tucker said he was "tuckered" out.

Slide racing.

Feeding crackers to the ducks.

Halloween Night

Scooby Doo and his Dawn.

Scary Christopher and Gypsy Boo.

Oooh... goose bumps.

Who are those Cow Folk?

Missy MM, pumpkin style!

Tucker and Superman.

Tom's Farm

Tucker had his first field trip right before Halloween. It was to Tom's Farm. We got to play, pick pumpkins, go on a hay ride, and shuck corn. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time. I have some really good pictures at home of he and I together and of Tucker and Dawn. But they are not digital so I will have to scan them later and post them.

Eating a hot dog lunch with his buddy, Hudson.

His favorite past time, running and just general hyperactivity.

Saying the blessing.

The pumpkin he picked.

On the hay ride with his buddy, Hudson.

Looking at all the pumpkins.

Zoo Boo

Talking to the Halloween Wolf.

With the Caped Crusader.

Tucker and Daddy.

Just the girls.

Kim, MG, Mommy and Tucker. I have Halloween tattoos on my face.

So cute.

Halloween Misc

Every year we do a big Halloween display at our house. It is much more impressive at night with all the fog machines and strobe lights, not to mention Chris dressed up scaring all the kids. You can't tell from the picture, but there is a giant bat with red eyes in the tree and a "Salem cauldron" and fire at the other end of the yard.

Driving one of Bob's buses.

Hanging out in the back of the bus.

Watching a Halloween movie under his spider blanket.

More Florida Pictures

All of our beach pictures are on another camera, so I will have to add them later.

Walking back from the beach on our first day there.

Driving the "Sea Blaster."

Mommy and Tucker.

Happy Family.

Bumper boats at the Track. Look at Tucker's face! He is so excited.

Driving his own go cart (for the little kids).

Look at the face. Hilarious. Chris was really getting into it.

Climbing through the submarine.

Florida - Gulfarium

I know these pictures are long overdue. This past September, we took our annual family vacation to the beach. As we have every year, we paid a visit to the Gulfarium. It is really special taking Tucker there as it was a favorite place for both Chris and I to go when we went to Florida for our childhood vacations.

This was his favorite place, the large room with the big aquarium.

Looking at the fish.

Waving to the Dolphins.