Monday, May 17, 2010

The Pool is Open!!!!

The Pool is open and Tucker could not be happier about it. We took him to swim yesterday and it was freezing, but he and all the other kids did not care. Chris and I just stuck our feet in while he played. He insisted on wearing his goggles part of the time. Chris and I could not stop laughing at how funny (and cute!) he looked. I did see a couple of other kids running around with their goggles on, so I guess it must be some new fashion statement because none of them were actually going under the water. We will be spending a lot more days at the pool just like we did last summer. Tucker loves to swim! We weren't really prepared for the picture perfect moments, so these were taken with Chris's phone and they look a little dark. Click on the images for a larger view.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Memphis in May

This past weekend was Memphis in May Musicfest. We usually don't see much of Chris during Memphis in May. I try to take Tucker down there on the weekends so he can see Chris some. Because of the bad weather all weekend, I was not able to take him down there until late Sunday. These were taken with Chris's phone so they are kind of dark. They looked so much alike eating their Pronto Pups together. They also shared a funnel cake later.