Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Very First Blog

Chris and I started this blog mostly so we could post pictures of Tucker. I used to spend all of my computer time at work when I was at Ticketmaster and had plenty of time on my hands, but that is no longer the case. So I will try to post pictures when I can, but forgive us if there are long periods of down time on this blog.

Recently, Chris was driving downtown and passed by Hooters. Standing outside was Gene Simmons. Yes, THAT Gene Simmons. Chris and his boss ended up chatting with him for about an hour. Here is a picture from that day. I was very excited for Chris as I know he has been a KISS fan every since his friend, Joey Mincelli, turned him on to them.

Uncle Mike bought Aunt Be a new boat and Tucker now loves to fish! He even caught the first fish when we went out on the boat for the first time. We have all been fighting over his Spiderman fishing pole that Be got him. He likes to watch us throw back the fish and when he caught the first one, he tried to touch it and it jumped and scared him to death.

We also took Tucker for a ride on the boat while Uncle Mike pulled it on the trailer.

Here is Tucker "helping" Mommy make brownies.

Tucker at the Pumkin Patch at Emmanuel.

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