Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Tucker and I carved our pumpkin together on Thursday night before Halloween. I was going to let him stick his hands in it and pull out the slop, but he wanted no part of it. He liked looking in the pumpkin at the light and would say "spooky."

We had a lot of friends and family come over on Halloween. Everyone wanted to see Tucker dressed up as Thomas. However, he was less than thrilled about the costume and everyone else tried it on in an attempt to get him to wear it.

Chris dressed up as "The Executioner" to hand out candy. We all sat in the driveway and watched the trick-or-treaters. We ate pizza, rotel dip and Halloween cupcakes. We had a blast! Tucker went Trick-or-Treating to a few houses and still ended up with a ton of candy. He did a great job saying "trick-or-treat" and telling people "Thank you" and "Happy Halloween." Grannie dressed up as a witch, Mammie was a gimp, and Aunt Kim was a school teacher on a Friday night. Aunt Be dressed up as a, well, we are not entirely sure but we think it was a black farmer zombie. However, someone did ask her if she was supposed to be Obama. Either way, Tucker was so excited to have all of his people there. It was the most fun Halloween so far and we are planning on making it a tradition. Chris has even bought more props for next year.

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