Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tucker at the Zoo

Tucker loves animals, so with the weather being so nice lately, Chris and I decided to take him to the zoo. We take him several times a year, but it has been several months so he probably doesn't remember any past visits. He loved the Elephants and Polar Bears the most. The Polar Bears were really active while we were there, which was fun, but he was a little too scared to get near the glass. Mostly, he just enjoyed being able to run around outside and look at all the other kids there. Daddy and Tucker looked at all the gross exhibits that Mommy didn't want to see, like the snakes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You all take great pictures! I'm the worst photographer. I move when I'm pushing the button! It looks like Tucker loves the zoo. I'm sure he worked off some energy out there! Love ya'll,Kriston