Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6-9-09 Tucker's Birthday

Tuesday, June 9 was Tucker's birthday. Chris and I took off work to spend the day with him. It was exhausting but an absolutely fun and exciting day. The day started off with a birthday breakfast of donut holes for Mr. Tucker and Daddy. Then we were off to Toy-R-Us followed by a birthday lunch. After lunch we took Tucker to the zoo. He LOVES going to the zoo. They have a new exhibit called "Birds and Bees." You can pay a dollar and get a stick with bird feed on the end of it. The birds perch on the stick and eat while you hold them. It was really amazing and Tucker loved it! After the zoo, we went to the pool where Tucker went down the water slide all by himself for the first time! Then after a couple of hours at the zoo, it was off to Tucker's favorite restaurant, Red Robin. They brought him a sundae and when he heard them come out and start singing and clapping, he declared (before they even made it to the table) "It's my birthday!"

It was an awesome and special day for all three of us! (Click images for larger view)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Out to eat 3 times on your that's a treat! What a special day with Mommy & Daddy!