Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Fun Night with Kim, Grannie and Be!

While Chris and I were in Nashville, Tucker got to spend the night with Grannie, Kim and Be. They did a lot of fun Chrismas stuff together and he had a great time. Click on the photos to view larger.

Baking cookies with Be at 4am. Yes, 4am!

Making a Gingerbread Train with Be.

At Brass Pro Shop to visit Santa with the Gang.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me why Tucker was baking cookies at 4AM. That's one dedicated cook! Happy New Year!

Ashley Hopper said...

Unfortunately, he woke up at 4 am. Well, it wasn't unfortunate for me; I wasn't there. But it was for the others. I think my sister was up with some pregnancy uncomfortableness and accidently woke him up.