Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Sunday

After church on Easter Sunday, we went to Aunt Dawn's house for food and another Easter Egg Hunt. Like most of the egg hunts, Tucker was the only "hunter, " but we all had a great time. Later that night, we went to Aunt Kim's for Easter dinner with my family and to celebrate Grannie's birthday. We did not take many pictures that night. I think at that point we were all so exhausted that I didn't even think about it. But we still had fun. Tucker helped Grannie blow out her birthday candles and he and Be made an Easter house sort of like the gingerbread house they made at Christmas.

Dawn got Tucker a really big egg.

And then everyone tried on the big egg!

Two beautiful ladies, inside and out, my niece and sister-in-law.

Playing with Boo. It looks like a game of follow the leader.

Aunt Kim, Margaret Grace and Tucker. They are so adorable.

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