Thursday, August 26, 2010

More Bristol Motor Speedway

Chris was disappointed that I didn't post pictures of the actual race at Bristol. Sorry, Honey. Here you go!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bristol Motor Speedway

Last week, Chris had to go to Bristol, TN to work at the NASCAR race at Bristol Motor Speedway. Since I had to take off Friday and Monday to stay home with Tucker anyway, we decided to take a Mommy/Tucker road trip to see Daddy. We stopped and spent the night at Da's house in Nashville along the way. We both had a great time at our first car race. I didn't really know what to expect, since I was not a NASCAR fan, but it truly was amazing. Bristol Motor Speedway is the largest venue I have ever seen! Tucker enjoyed riding on the golf cart with Daddy and being able to yell as loud as he wanted! He and I both were so glad to see Daddy after being apart for a week. We went to two races with Chris, but had to leave a little early from both because Tucker lost interest. I think it was all a little overwhelming for a 4 year old. We also went swimming at the hotel pool. The weather was wonderful and a nice change from the oppressive Memphis weather.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day at Briarcrest!

Today was Tucker's First Day at his new school, Briarcrest. We were all a little nervous because Tucker has really liked his old school and I could tell he was a little apprehensive about a new place. Chris said he did great when he dropped him off. No separation anxiety and he was very excited. I can't wait to pick him up and hear about his day. I am going to try the car line at school and I have visions of being told "You're doing it wrong" just like in Mr. Mom. I am very excited though. I have never been able to take or pick Tucker up from school before this year because of work, so I feel like a real soccer mom today. It is a day of firsts for all of us!

It is way too early for this.

So cute.

I am not sure why Bugs Bunny had to be in the pictures.

Walking in to school carrying his new bag. I think he was having a hard time with it.

That's better. Is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Taking in his new classroom.

His new teacher, Mrs. Smith showing him around.