Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day at Briarcrest!

Today was Tucker's First Day at his new school, Briarcrest. We were all a little nervous because Tucker has really liked his old school and I could tell he was a little apprehensive about a new place. Chris said he did great when he dropped him off. No separation anxiety and he was very excited. I can't wait to pick him up and hear about his day. I am going to try the car line at school and I have visions of being told "You're doing it wrong" just like in Mr. Mom. I am very excited though. I have never been able to take or pick Tucker up from school before this year because of work, so I feel like a real soccer mom today. It is a day of firsts for all of us!

It is way too early for this.

So cute.

I am not sure why Bugs Bunny had to be in the pictures.

Walking in to school carrying his new bag. I think he was having a hard time with it.

That's better. Is that not the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Taking in his new classroom.

His new teacher, Mrs. Smith showing him around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he'll have a great day! I bet Aunt Dawn made time to check on him too! Have fun being a soccer Mom!