Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bristol Motor Speedway

Last week, Chris had to go to Bristol, TN to work at the NASCAR race at Bristol Motor Speedway. Since I had to take off Friday and Monday to stay home with Tucker anyway, we decided to take a Mommy/Tucker road trip to see Daddy. We stopped and spent the night at Da's house in Nashville along the way. We both had a great time at our first car race. I didn't really know what to expect, since I was not a NASCAR fan, but it truly was amazing. Bristol Motor Speedway is the largest venue I have ever seen! Tucker enjoyed riding on the golf cart with Daddy and being able to yell as loud as he wanted! He and I both were so glad to see Daddy after being apart for a week. We went to two races with Chris, but had to leave a little early from both because Tucker lost interest. I think it was all a little overwhelming for a 4 year old. We also went swimming at the hotel pool. The weather was wonderful and a nice change from the oppressive Memphis weather.

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