Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Big News!

Actually, everyone who reads this blog probably already knows the big news, but I couldn't not post something. My sister, Kim, is having a baby!!!!!

I am so excited that there will be a new little one to snuggle with in our family. Kim hasn't been feeling so hot, but the baby has been healthy, strong, moving and hiccuping during all the ultrasounds so far. She is due in late February, although the due date has changed some since the beginning, so we don't really know when to expect this little one. Kim's husband, Geoff, I think wants a boy. But most of us have a feeling this one is going to be a girl. But we will hopefully know soon. Geoff has 4 nieces already, so his family could probably stand a boy. But only time will tell. We are all hoping to know the gender soon so we can begin the shopping/spoiling process.

Please keep Kim and Geoff in your prayers. Kim has had some complications along the way and is feeling pretty bad. She is on bedrest for the time being (and possibly the duration of her pregnancy) and is already getting bored.


Anonymous said...

This is great news! I 'm so excited for Kim and your family. All her troubles, boredom etc will be worth it in the end (as you know)! Congratulations, Aunt Ashley!

Allison and DJ said...

Being an aunt is so much fun!