Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Carnival! A Carnival!

As you all know, Tucker kind of likes a character called Thomas the Tank Engine. In some of the Thomas stories, a carnival is featured. Saturday night, we passed by the fair and Tucker exclaimed when he saw the lights, "A Carnival! A Carnival! I want to go play at the Carnival!" So we took him to the Delta Fair at the Agricenter with Nana and Papa. We barely went into the fair because the small rides for the kids Tucker's age was right at the entrance. We did go in just far enough to find Pronto Pups and Funnel cakes though. Tucker had a great time and we all enjoyed watching him more than anything. Be sure to click on the pictures to see a large view. The expressions on his face while on the rides is priceless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, it looks like he has had so much fun! I had no clue that Tucker liked Thomas....LOL!