Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Chris and I woke up at 2:30 last night to the sound of sirens and loud popping noises. At first, I thought it was gunfire. We looked out our window and saw this directly across the street. All of the family got out of the house in time, with the exception of their two dogs. A boy leaving a house down the street saw the fire and alerted them just in time. They had no idea the house was on fire and the flames had already run down the entire length of the house. Chris and I both agree it was the most incredible thing we had ever seen. God bless our firefighters, police and other emergency services professionals. The Memphis Fire Department are heroes in our book! Click on the images to see a larger view. I like the ones where you can see the firefighter's silhouettes, and you can only see them well in the larger photos.


Allison and DJ said...

What caused the fire? How did they not know???? Have you checked your fire alarms? Did Tucker wake up?

That's a lot of questions!!

Ashley Hopper said...

Tucker did wake up around 1:50 and come in our room and get in the bed. We heard the sirens and commotion about 15 to 20 minutes later, it is hard to say since we were dead asleep. So I think he heard the first few pops since his room is on the front of the house closest to the house that burned down. That is probably what woke him up. It is kind of an iffy situation about how they did not know. A lot of stuff has been revealed about the husband that lived there and there has been a ton of drama around it all. Let's put it this way, there will likely be a criminal investigation into it all. Be thankful every day that you do not live in Memphis anymore. Our neighborhood was nice when we bought our house, I swear!