Friday, April 23, 2010

Random Pictures of Spring

At the zoo with the hippos.

Tucker and Kim waiting on the train.

Tucker and Margaret Grace on her first trip to the zoo.

Riding in his truck.

With Grannie the Saturday before Easter.

Egg Hunt

Margaret Grace's Baptism - I was named as her Godmother and Geoff's brother as her Godfather. However, he was not able to make it, so Geoff's father stood in for him. What a great honor for us.

More Egg Hunting

At Teton Trek at the zoo with Grannie.

This was going to be a great picture when everyone was sitting on their own bench. But Tucker had to move up for some reason. I am not sure why, but he insisted.

Margaret Grace's first trip to the zoo. She slept the whole time until we got ready to leave.

Grannie and her grandchildren at the zoo.

Dying Easter Eggs

Dying more Easter Eggs

With Margaret Grace


Anonymous said...

I love these pics! Margaret Grace is precious and look at all that hair. She has as much as Ellison Reese. She's gorgeous and your sister looks great!! Hope all is well and love ya'll! ktw

Ashley Hopper said...

Thanks Kriston. We think she is pretty special too! Love the latest pictures of Ellison. She looks like she really enjoys her swimming lessons. She is adorable.